Manamey Movie Filmy4wap

Manamey Movie Filmy4wap:Manamey is a Telugu romantic family drama directed by Sriram Adittya, featuring Sharwanand and Krithi Shetty in the lead roles. The film also stars Vikram Aditya, Seerat Kapoor, Ayesha Khan, Vennela Kishore, Rahul Ravindra, Rahul Ramakrishna, Shiva Kandhukuri, and Sudharshan in supporting roles. The music is composed by Hesham Abdul Wahab, with cinematography by Vishnu Sharma and editing by Prawin Pudi. Produced by TG Vishwa Prasad under the People Media Factory banner, “Manamey” is set to release in theaters on June 7, 2024.

Manamey Movie Filmy4way Details

Release Date7 June 2024
GenreComedy, Drama, Romance
Duration2h 35min
CastSharwanand, Seerat Kapoor, Vennela Kishore, Krithi Shetty, Ayesha Khan, Rahul Ravindran, Shiva Kandukuri, Rahul Ramakrishna, Sophia Shkliaruk, Richa Prakash
DirectorSriram Adittya
WriterSriram Adittya
CinematographyVishnu Sarma, Gnanashekar V.S.
MusicHesham Abdul Wahab
ProducerT.G. Vishwa Prasad
ProductionPeople Media Factory

About Manamey Movie (2024)

The unexpected arrival of a young boy in the life of a playboy (Sharwanand) changes everything for him.

Manamey Movie Trailer

Manamey Movie FAQ

Q: What is the release date of the movie “Manamey”?
A: “Manamey” is set to release in theaters on 7 June 2024.

Q: In which language is “Manamey” made?
A: The movie “Manamey” is made in Telugu.

Q: What genres does “Manamey” belong to?
A: “Manamey” is a comedy, drama, and romance movie.

Q: How long is the movie “Manamey”?
A: The duration of “Manamey” is 2 hours and 35 minutes.

Q: Who are the main cast members of “Manamey”?
A: The main cast includes Sharwanand, Seerat Kapoor, Vennela Kishore, Krithi Shetty, Ayesha Khan, Rahul Ravindran, Shiva Kandukuri, Rahul Ramakrishna, Sophia Shkliaruk, and Richa Prakash.

Q: Who directed the movie “Manamey”?
A: “Manamey” is directed by Sriram Adittya.

Q: Who wrote the movie “Manamey”?
A: The movie “Manamey” is written by Sriram Adittya.

Q: Who handled the cinematography for “Manamey”?
A: The cinematography for “Manamey” was done by Vishnu Sarma and Gnanashekar V.S.

Q: Who composed the music for “Manamey”?
A: The music for “Manamey” was composed by Hesham Abdul Wahab.

Q: Who is the producer of “Manamey”?
A: “Manamey” is produced by T.G. Vishwa Prasad.

Q: Under which production banner was “Manamey” made?
A: “Manamey” was produced under the People Media Factory banner.

Q: What is the certificate rating for “Manamey”?
A: “Manamey” has a U/A certificate.

Tiragabadara Saami Movie Filmy4way
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