The Heist Movie Filmy4way

The Heist Movie Filmy4wap: The Heist’ transcends the typical ‘heist’ genre, delivering an average-crafted narrative thriller that grips audiences for most of the time, but it misses the mark of being an edge-of-the-seat thriller.

The Heist: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast

Release Date19 July 2024
LanguageHindi, English
GenreAction, Drama
CastNad Sham, Siddhant Kapoor, Suman Rao, Jagat Rawta, Tasneem Khan, Saurabh Saraswat, Pratyaksh Rajbhatt, Bernard Olivier, Ryan Satyan Jeeawock, Amede Jean Tony
DirectorAditya Awandhe
WriterNikita Chaturvedi
CinematographyAnirudh Nakhare
MusicYug Bhusal
ProducerFarheen Vencapah
ProductionLiv Worldwide, PML

About The Heist Movie (2024)

Ananya (Suman Rao), former FATF agent , and con artist Neel (Nad Sham) team up to conduct an elaborate heist, loot a billionaire fugitive, and disrupt his smuggling network.

The Heist Movie Trailer

The Heist Movie FAQ

Q: When is the release date of “The Heist”?

  • A: The release date is 19 July 2024.

Q: In which languages will “The Heist” be available?

  • A: The movie will be available in Hindi and English.

Q: What genre does “The Heist” belong to?

  • A: It is an action and drama movie.

Q: How long is the movie?

  • A: The duration of the movie is 2 hours.

Q: Who are the main cast members of “The Heist”?

  • A: The main cast includes Nad Sham, Siddhant Kapoor, Suman Rao, Jagat Rawta, Tasneem Khan, Saurabh Saraswat, Pratyaksh Rajbhatt, Bernard Olivier, Ryan Satyan Jeeawock, and Amede Jean Tony.

Q: Who is the director of the movie?

  • A: The movie is directed by Aditya Awandhe.

Q: Who wrote the script for “The Heist”?

  • A: The script is written by Nikita Chaturvedi.

Q: Who is responsible for the cinematography of “The Heist”?

  • A: Anirudh Nakhare is responsible for the cinematography.

Q: Who composed the music for the movie?

  • A: The music is composed by Yug Bhusal.

Q: Who produced “The Heist”?

  • A: The movie is produced by Farheen Vencapah.

Q: Which production companies are involved in making “The Heist”?

  • A: The production companies involved are Liv Worldwide and PML.

Q: What is the certificate rating of the movie?

  • A: The movie has a U/A certificate rating.
Kartam Bhugtam Movie: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
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