Blackout: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast

Release Date:2023-12-29 00:00:00
Movie Collection:Not available
Trailer:Not available

A drama thriller film, featuring Vikrant Massey and Mouni Roy in the lead roles.

Release Date29 December 2023
LanguageHindi, English, Spanish
GenreThriller, Action, Crime
Duration1 hour 21 minutes
CastNora Fatehi, Vikrant Massey, Josh Duhamel, Abbie Cornish, Omar Chaparro, Nick Nolte, Bárbara De Regil, Hernan Del Riego, Edison Ruíz, Benny Bucio, Daniel Farag, Lou Ferrigno Jr., Donald V. Allen
DirectorDevang Bhavsar, Sam Macaroni
WriterVan B. Nguyen
Production HousePatriot Pictures, Itaca Films, Lost Winds Entertainment
BudgetEstimated ₹99.60 crore

About Blackout Movie (2023)

A drama thriller film, featuring Vikrant Massey and Mouni Roy in the lead roles.

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